Recovered F&A Distribution Update (7/14/2010)

Dear PI’s/Chairs/Deans:

To ensure that recovered F&A costs are distributed uniformly across the campus and that faculty PIs are adequately incentivized to seek external funding, with concurrence of President Broderick and Provost Simpson, effective for the 6 month period ending on June 30, 2010 we will implement the following traditional allocation:

1. Discretionary ODURF accounts will be set up for all PI’s.

2. Based on the approved blue-sheet disclosures that were provided during proposal submission, the portion of recovered F&A that is distributed will be deposited once every six months as follows:

(a) 20% to the Principal/Co-Principal Investigators’ accounts;
(b) 25% to the Department/School account; and
(c) 20% to the Dean’s account.
(d) 35% to Office of Research account.

PI’s/Chairs/Deans may spend from their respective discretionary accounts to support scholarly pursuits as long as expenditure meets pertinent ODURF and ODU Policies including