Proposal Transmittal Form (e-PTF)

The electronic Proposal Transmittal Form (e-PTF), is a legal document that authorizes a commitment of University resources and authorizes the Research Foundation to process funding applications and awards. Any investigator applying for funding is required to complete an e-PTF.

The assigned pre-award Grant and Contract Administrator (GCA) will complete page 1 of the form and submit the form to the investigator electronically. From the investigator’s ODU MIDAS account, the investigator accesses, reviews, completes, and routes the e-PTF for collection of electronic signatures.

(Video) About the Electronic Proposal Transmittal Form (ePTF)

 Frequently Asked Questions

 Logon For Grant & Contract Administrators

 Logon For Principal Investigators

 Logon For Co-PI’s, Chairs, Deans, Faculty Contributors, VP for Research