Proposal Transmittal Form Instructions

Sections I-15 and information in the upper right corner of the PTF will be cmpleted by a Pre-Award team member at the Foundation who will route the PTF to the PI to complete the remainder of the document.

  1. Principal Investigator:  Name of person who will be responsible for conduct of work on project.
  2. Department:  Provide department names where Principal Investigator works and receives mail.
  3. Telephone & Ext.:  Provide telephone number for Principal Investigator.
  4. Email Address:  Provide e-mail address for Principal Investigator.
  5. Project Title:  Enter unique name of project.
  6. Proposal Type:  Check as appropriate: solicited or unsolicited proposal type box.  Sponsor Number:  Enter the solicitation, RFP or program announcement number from the sponsor.
  7. Current ODU Research Foundation Award No.:  If related to an existing ODU Research Foundation award, provide ODU Research Foundation award number.
  8. Current Sponsor Award No.:  If related to an existing ODU Research Foundation award, provide SPONSOR award number.
  9. CFDA No.:  Enter Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA) number for projects funded by Federal grants & cooperative agreements.
  10. Sponsor’s Name and Associated Information:  Enter name of sponsor organization/agency, point of contact, and mailing address to which proposal is being submitted. Note: Sponsor’s street address, building and room numbers MUST be included for proposals being mailed by overnight mail.
  11. Sponsor Deadline Information:  Provide date when proposal MUST be received by sponsor, if applicable.  Enter submission method, electronic portals, and required number of copies of proposal.
  12. Total Period:  Provide entire project performance period for which funding is requested.
  13. Amount Requested (Total):  Provide amount of funding requested from sponsor for the entire project performance period.
  14. Cost Sharing (Total):  Provide amount of cost share funding proposed for entire project performance period.
  15. Indirect Cost Rate:  Check appropriate box for where the majority of work will take place either on or off-campus.  Check whether the full indirect cost rate is allowable or not.  Enter the indirect cost rate used in this proposal.  In the notes box enter any information related to indirect costs function or other unusual circumstances.  Upload the budget.  Answer the question regarding cost share.  If the answer to the cost sharing question is Yes, then click on the setup cost-share button and complete as appropriate.
  16. Confidential or Property Information:  Check appropriate box in respone to provided questions.
  17. Subrecipient Agreement:  Check appropriate box in response to provided questions.
  18. Significant Financial Interest:  Check appropriate box
  19. Animals:  Check appropriate box in response to provided questions.
  20. Human Subjects:  Check appropriate box in response to provided questions.
  21. Biological Materials:  Check appropriate boxes.
  22. Radiation Hazards:  Check appropriate box in respnse to provided question.
  23. Export Control Screening:  Check appropriate box in response to provided questions
  24. Environmental Health and Safety:   Check all applicable boxes.
  25. Additional Information:  Enter any information necessary regarding the proposal, particularly any usual circumstances.
  26. Research Activity Categories:  Check research category best describing the nature of proposed research.  To determine the correct Research Category, view the NSF NCES fields in the PDF document referenced.
  27. Type of Project:  Check appropriate box.  View the link provided for more information.
  28. Space, Equipment and Facilities:  Check the appropriate box.
  29. Space, Equipment and Facilities Notes:  Enter information if the answer to question 28 is “No”.
  30. Disclosures and Certifications:  Principal Investigator’s signature to Proposal Transmittal Form document acknowledgement and agreement to comply with requirements of this section.
  31. Principal Investigator and Co-PI Signatures:  The lead Principal Investigator, retains administrative and fiscal responsibility for this project, and should provide signature first.  All other Co-Principal Investigators should provide their signatures in space provided.  Please allocate associated percentage credit for proposal between the Principal and Co-Principal Investigators.
  32. Additional Approvals:  Signatures are required for other faculty participants and for Principal and Co-Principal Investigators’ Department Chairs or Center Directors and Deans of College/School.  Signature of the Vice President for Researh is only needed for proposals submitted by certain centers, any time the Office of Research contributes cost-share, any time there is a voluntary waiver of cost-share, or any time ODU is the submitting entity.