If correctly completed hiring paperwork, ePAS and/or timesheets are not submitted to Human Resources and/or Payroll by the published deadlines, employees cannot be paid. Please refer to the payroll schedule for deadlines.
Timesheets are due by 10:00 am each pay period.
1. If you have not previously logged into EWS you will need to set up an account: https://hera.odurf.odu.edu/ews/
2. Access the Timesheet system using your valid EWS User ID and Password at: https://hera.odurf.odu.edu/TimeSheet/
3. The current pay period will open. If entering past pay period hours choose the correct pay period from the drop-down list.
4. Enter all work hours and leave hours.
5. Upon completion of the hour entry process, save the default timesheet.
6. Final step: submit timesheet. (on the status bar the unsubmitted circle will turn green and have a check mark) The timesheet is now awaiting your supervisor approval.