The mission of the Payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid timely and accurately while maintaining compliance with federal, state, and ODU Research Foundation regulations and policies. Employees and department supervisors must submit timely, correct, and complete information for payroll purposes.
Employee Timesheet Instructions
If correctly completed hiring paperwork, ePAS and/or timesheets are not submitted to Human Resources and/or Payroll by the published deadlines, employees cannot be paid. Please refer to the payroll schedule for deadlines.
Timesheets are due by 10:00 am each pay period.
1. If you have not previously logged into EWS you will need to set up an account:
2. Access the Timesheet system using your valid EWS User ID and Password at:
3. The current pay period will open. If entering past pay period hours choose the correct pay period from the drop-down list.
4. Enter all work hours and leave hours.
5. Upon completion of the hour entry process, save the default timesheet.
6. Final step: submit timesheet. (on the status bar the unsubmitted circle will turn green and have a check mark) The timesheet is now awaiting your supervisor approval.
Tax Forms: Updates, Address Changes, Prior Year Tax Form Requests
1. If you would like to update your withholding, please complete the appropriate tax form(s) and email to
2. If you would like to update your address, please complete the address change form and email to
3. If you are a current employee, you can access your W2 information through EWS. If you have not previously logged into EWS you will need to set up an account:
4. If you are a past employee or contractor, you can request your tax documents by completing the Tax Form Request and emailing it to