Employee Web Services (EWS) allows employees to access their personal information on the web from the convenience of their own computer.
Employee Web Services provides the following features:
- Web-based: Employees can access personal information and request updates wherever they have Internet access.
- Easy navigation: Employees can review personal information, payroll check history, and future W-2 information in one web-based location.
- Check stubs: Employees can view and print check stubs remotely.
In order to use Employee Web Services, an employee must first create an account. This is required before an employee can log on to Employee Web Services for the first time. The employee UIN is also the employee ID.
The web address for Employee Web Services is https://hera.odurf.odu.edu/ews
For additional information, a user manual is provided on the web page.
- Check entries prior to 8/15/2014 reflect check processing and balancing to the previous system. (Those check numbers in EWS do not correspond to actual checks issued.)
- The check issued on 8/15/2014 is the first check processed in the new system.
- Deduction Codes represent Employee contributions.
- Benefit Codes represent Employer contributions and are shown in detail.
- Tax Codes represent the employer (ER) and employee (Amount) paid taxes and year to date totals.
- Year to date Taxable wages correspond to the W-2 wage boxes.
- Additional life deductions are presented individually by employee, spouse, and/or child(ren). This was previously presented as one combined additional life withholding amount.

For additional information or questions concerning the above, please contact any member of the Research Foundation Human Resource or Payroll teams. A complete listing of the Research Foundation core staff is located at the following address: https://researchfoundation.odu.edu/contact-us/